Cleaning and care

Cleaning and care to take into account to extend the life of your Abarca espadrilles

The first thing to keep in mind for cleaning and care is that this type of shoe cannot be put in the washing machine. This applies to both cotton fabric and leather models. Cowhide should not get wet, as the shoe could lose its shape. On the other hand, due to the characteristics of jute, spinning can cause the jute threads to untwist. So it will be necessary to clean the espadrilles by hand.

Cleaning and care espadrilles

The jute sole, how do we keep it clean?:

Wipe each shoe down with a dry cotton cloth to remove as much of the loose dirt, dust, or grime as you can.

Pour a tablespoon of mild detergent or dish soap into a bowl. Add two glasses of water and stir well.

Dip the end of the toothbrush into the soapy water. We then gently scrub the jute soles only, making sure to extract any dirt between the braided jute strands. Be careful when using the toothbrush, as rubbing too hard could cause the jute fibers to break and cause them to untwist.

If your shoes have been stained with mud, you should clean them with the dried mud. If we try to clean the mud while it is still wet, we risk driving the mud deeper into the fabric, making it difficult to clean.

Cotton models, shoe upper cleaning:

To clean the uppers of canvas espadrilles, dip the end of a cotton cloth in the soapy water. We clean the stains on the fabric by rubbing in a circular motion. Use a clean, damp cloth to rinse off the soap. Repeat as necessary until the shoes are thoroughly cleaned. Let air dry.

Leather models, cleaning the upper part of the shoe:

A leather cleaning kit can be purchased at most high-end shoe stores.

We will clean the upper part of leather espadrilles with a leather cleaner and a microfiber cloth. The indications on the cleaner package will tell us the amount to use. Do not use water as it may cause staining. Leave the shoes in a dry place.



🌾De origen murciano y con más de 11 años en el sector del calzado, en ABARCA somos sinónimo de artesanía local y materias primas de alta calidad.

👞El resultado es un calzado duradero y sostenible a la vez, diseñado por expertos podólogos para asegurarnos su comodidad. Destaca además, por su reconocible piso de yute y suela antideslizante con la insignia de la marca.

🧡Nuestro objetivo es que el cliente "toque la artesanía" con diseños elegantes, cómodos y sostenibles.




El trío Yute-Piel-Algodón representa a la marca y nos acompaña desde nuestros inicios.

El yute se trenza de manera artesanal, bajo las directrices de una antigua técnica murciana, para conseguir un piso resistente a la pisada y adaptado a la forma del pie. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer al cliente la mayor comodidad aunando TRADICIÓN.

La piel y el algodón proceden de COMERCIO LOCAL minimizando así el impacto sobre el medio ambiente y fomentando la labor de los artesanos locales.